CMBPol Mission Concept Study Telecon notes 22 April, 2008 Participants: Bock, Dodelson, Dunkley, Hanany, Hinshaw, Irwin, Meyer, Page, Ruhl Workshops: Theory workshop: Dodelson reports that ~100 people are expected with over 70 registrations. Lots of interest from string theorists for this workshop. Systematics Workshop: Hinshaw reports that contract is soon to be signed for the venue. Looking for a 90 people limit (could be changed a bit). Letter of invitation going out soon. Technology Workshop: Irwin reports. Slides accompany this discussion. Many sub-topic editors are setup. Each editor is planning to organize the writing of a white paper which is to be written by the participants. The white papers are to be written before the conference - due on June 15. The papers will be reviewed before the workshop. The goal is to have everyone knowledgeable about the issues before the workshop and spend the time at the workshop on outstanding issues. Discussion: Bock: Hanany to give a presentation on the EPIC report at the theory workshop.